Would you like to improve your English reading, writing and communication skills? Thinking of returning to study or re-entering the workforce? Find out how one of our free courses may help you reach closer to your goals.

We recognise that Adult Learning should be accessible, appropriate, flexible, stimulating and adaptable to the needs and circumstances of the learner. Morella Community Centre strives to create the right environment for learning where participants are:

  • able to learn in their local community and develop community networks and increase awareness of available services.
  • able to learn in a non-formal setting and in a friendly supportive atmosphere.
  • encouraged, supported and assisted with choices and pathways to further education, training and work opportunities.

Cost: FREE for eligible participants

Creche: FREE child minding available for children of primary caregivers for some of our courses

Please click here to view our current courses.

For further information or to enrol, please contact 8406 8482 or email ace@morella.org.au

Health and Fitness

Gentle Exercise

Make this a part of your weekly routine! A fun way to keep your physical activity and social connections.

Tuesdays 9.30am to 10.30am

Thursdays 9.30am to 10.30am

COST $5 per class

Heart Foundation Walking Group

We all know the benefits of walking. Be a part of Heart Foundation’s regular walks commencing at our centre, a great way stay healthy, make friends and be part of your local community.

Wednesdays, 9.15am to 10.15am


Strength For Life

Looking to improve your health and wellbeing?

This program has been developed and is being delivered by COTA for women over 40 who are from different cultural backgrounds.

Please call 8406 8484 for eligibility.

Thursdays 11.30am to 12.30am


Community and Social Support

Community Lunches 

Looking to meet some of your local community members but don’t know where to start?  Simply bring a plate of food to share to a community lunch and enjoy the company of others.  You may also find something in the Centre that interests you.

Term 3 2024 dates

July – 18th

August – 1st, 15th, 29th

September – 12th, 26th

RSVP to 8406 8484 or email  communityconnections@morella.org.au

Bloke’s Brunch

Good food, good company, good coffee.

An inclusive brunch session for men of all ages, cultural backgrounds and abilities to enjoy a social catch up.

Every second and fourth Tuesday of the month 10:30am – 12pm

Term 3 2024 dates

July – 23rd

August – 13th, 27th

September – 10th, 24th

Bookings and dietary requirements to communityconnections@morella.org.au

Friends of The Garden

The garden allows people of all backgrounds, ages and abilities to participate through a shared interest in gardening and related activities such as cooking, crafts, sharing knowledge and experience and much more.

Thursday’s during school term 9:30am – 11:30am

COST $2 per session

Community Connections Program

Social connection and belonging are critical for our health and wellbeing.

Community Connections supports people who are not eligible for mainstream programs such as NDIS and My Aged Care to be more involved in their community and to connect to support networks and services. It’s a short-term program (up to 12 weeks) delivered through a statewide network of partners. Each person is supported to establish and maintain meaningful social connections with community, supportive social networks and a sense of belonging.

To find out how we can support you, please use the contact details below or click on the link.
